

Best of 2022

Orders on overseas markets with counterparts in Australia or South Korea, countless rail constructions for large Czech cities, its own photovoltaic power plant or the creation of a new artwork decorating the fence around the Pražská strojírna premises realized as [...]

Best of 2021

The year 2021, once again accompanied by the pitfalls of the ongoing pandemic crisis, was marked by investments and record orders at the Pražská strojírna. Investments were made in new machinery, but also in the working environment, all with the [...]

Best of 2020

The pandemic crisis of 2020 was a severe test for many companies. Pražská strojírna, a subsidiary of the Transport Company of the Capital City of Prague (DPP), has been hit hard by the crisis. Despite this, the Pražská strojírna managed [...]